February was a good month for me, not so much in terms of $$ earned but because my game improved a lot compared to how I played in january. No books, no videos, only a pure will to play better and think more when making decisions. I still throw a BB every now and then when I shouldn't but it's much better than before.
February goal check:
1) maintain Silver star on Stars
2) earn 10000 Betway points on Betway
-failed, only 3355 points in 5.3k hands
3) play some NL on Minted or FL on Betfair or EuroPoker
-done, almost finished kickback on Europoker, only 100 points left to collect
4) run better, please!!!
-hmmmm, I'm playing better, earning $$ but I can't say I'm running better than last month
5) play 15k hands
-done, played 26.2k (7k hands played on FL rush in just 3 days)
I will have to concentrate all my efforts on finishing Betway signup bonus this month. I usually table select and seat select like crazy but this time I will have to play even when tables are not good enough. At the end of the month, I should clear ~$1400 in bonus plus a few $$ in rakeback from last month, hopefully.
Goals for march:
1) earn 13404 Betway points on Betway
-my guess is I need ~21k hands
2) maintain Silver star on Stars
-I need ~8000 hands on 0.25/0.5 6max to achieve this
3) finish FullTilt reload bonus playing FL Rush
-$20 left so I guess I'll need a 2 hour session playing 2 tables
4) finish Europoker kickback
-only 108 points left
5) hit more sets and lose with them less often
February results
-playing: $244
-bonus: $210
-rakeback: $37
-kickback: -
Overall: +$492
Time played: 47h
Hands played: 26210
Zvijezdica je pala...
11 years ago
excellent , thats more like it , gg
Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
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