95h, +$21, +11.18 BB/100
3195h, +$100, +3.12 BB/100
526h, -$4, -1.49 BB/100
Total hands:
1/2 HU:
132h, -$57, -21.50 BB/100
0.5/1 HU:
5702h, +$135, +2.37 BB/100
Total hands HU:
I had a few bad sessions last couple of days and my win rate was cut in half. I could blame the cold deck, but I'm sure I haven't played my best game. In a HU game, I need to adapt to my opponents and exploit their weaknesses but I obviously failed. They were aggressive, they were sucking out on me every other hand while capping turn as a 19:1 underdogs but I still think I could have played much better. Im now at +2.37 BB/100, with rakeback and bonus +7.03 BB/100, which is still good considering the huge rake but I'm sure I can and should do better at these stakes.
Total: +$195
Bonus: $164
Rakeback: $172
Kickback: $220
Current bankroll: $2973 (+$751)
Zvijezdica je pala...
11 years ago
I am wont to ask you how you get kickback bonus and rakeback bonus same time?
P.S. Sorry for my bad English ...pa da ga i naski otkucam, ako se slucajno ne razume ovo gore pitanje je : kako istovremeno dobijas i kickback i rakeback bonuse?
You can get both by playing on a few poker rooms at the same time. You get rakeback and signup bonus on one room and kickback and signup bonus on other room.
Ili po naski ;)
Pa dobijes tako da igras na vise poker soba. Na dvije dobivam rakeback i signup bonus i na njima stalno igram, a kickback bonuse rjesavam povremeno, kad dobijem nadahnuce tj. kad uleti neki dobar koji je steta ne rjesit.
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