Something was strange so I checked my Microgaming stats again. It appears not only I can't flop a set, I also had 39 pocket pairs less than expected. Over 6461 hands, I had 341 pocket pairs and should have had 380. Of course, my flopped sets ratio is even worse than yesterday, 1 in 17.1. Why am I so obsessed with flopped sets? I have a report in PT3 so it's easy to check but I'm sure there are a couple more stats that could clearly indicate how awful I'm running at the moment. Hit a flush draw for example, I feel I'm way below my expectation when it comes to hitting a draw. While writing this, I just hit a set in a multiway pot and didn't lose. Yesssssssssss!!!
I'll probably go fishing this saturday so I hope it will help me relax a bit because I'm very nervous lately and it's affecting my play.
Wow, I just noticed, there are 5 players on my table with a 50% VPIP or more!!! If only I could get a hand every few rounds...
Zvijezdica je pala...
11 years ago
Sutra sam na putu u portugal.
Unibet open me čeka bit će negdje oko 400 ljudi upad 1500€ zahvaljujući rake race dobio sam plaćen put 4 noći u hotelu 5 zvjezdica i upad na turnir.
Postat ču šta je bilo na turniru poželite mi sriću i kad se vratim rado ču postat šta se desilo.
Samnom još ide jedan hrvat iz siska i jedan od poznatijih pokeraša iz hrvatske Branimir Brunović pajdo koji je osvojio jedan od turnira koji je bio na novoj tv.
Eto pozdrav.
Već sutra ideš? Pa ništa, sretno! Nije da sreća ima veze s pokerom... ;)
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