Just in case you don't know this number, you should flop a set or better (full house, quads) 1 every 8.5 times you hold a pocket pair.
-saw flop with pocket pair: 1080
-flopped a set or better: 125 (1 in 8.6)
-expected: 127 (-2)
-flopped something with 22,33,44,55: 23/219 (1 in 9.5)
-saw flop with pocket pair: 3899
-flopped a set or better: 463 (1 in 8.4)
-expected: 459 (+4)
-flopped something with 22,33,44,55: 126/1011 (1 in 8.0)
-saw flop with pocket pair: 363
-flopped a set or better: 38 (1 in 9.6)
-expected: 43 (-5)
-flopped something with 22,33,44,55: 13/95 (1 in 7.3)
-saw flop with pocket pair: 347
-flopped a set or better: 29 (1 in 12.0)
-expected: 41 (-12)
-flopped something with 22,33,44,55: 1/59 (1 in 59.0)
-saw flop with pocket pair: 5689
-flopped a set or better: 655 (1 in 8.7)
-expected: 669 (-14)
-flopped something with 22,33,44,55: 163/1384 (1 in 8.5)
Total sample size: 121k hands
Zvijezdica je pala...
11 years ago